corner_squats_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
corner_squats_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
Keep that chest up nice and tall. 2 Heart rates climbing because we're using those legs a lot. 3 Yes, it's.
lateral_lunge_+_curl_to_press_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
lateral_lunge_+_curl_to_press_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
4_push-ups_+_4_bicep_curls_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
4_push-ups_+_4_bicep_curls_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
Or your toesies. Here we go. 2 We've got four and three, two and one. Fabulous. 3 Bring one leg up. 4 We're going to curl here. 5 Four, three, two again.
forward_lunge_+_reverse_grip_front_raise_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
forward_lunge_+_reverse_grip_front_raise_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
And alternate bringing one leg back at a time. 2 Just like that. 3 Full body finisher in ten minutes. 4 All right, so we're hitting all of it. 5 And as I lower these bells down, I've got good control the whole time. 6 So.
squat_press_to_overhead_halo_-_10_minute_free (1080p)
squat_press_to_overhead_halo_-_10_minute_free (1080p)