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Chloe Freytag demonstrating revolved triangle in a blue tank top and yoga pants

Revolved Triangle is a standing pose that stretches legs, hips, groin, hamstring, calves, shoulders, chest and spine – especially the lower back. It’s a powerful and effective stretch! Revolved Triangle pose is rich with ways to release many, many muscles in your body if done properly.

That, however, is the key! Taking it one step at a time you can learn how to do Triangle pose properly.

Revolved Triangle is a pose you will easily learn once you have practiced the basic Triangle Pose which is about posture and alignment. Triangle also teaches you to stand taller and lengthen short, tight muscles. Before learning Revolved Triangle make sure you master the basic Triangle Pose.

Often our posture deteriorates after practicing the bad habit of rounded shoulders or hunched over upper backs. Triangle pose seeks to undo that poor posture and lift your spine up and Revolved Triangle seeks to stretch the spine in a way many others cannot. The revolved portion of this stretch is the key.

Not only does it open the spine and stretch the back, but it provides a deep stretch in your hips on both sides.

Once you learn how to do the basic Triangle Pose, you will simply be adding a rotation. As you seek to practice Revolved Triangle remember that if you are unable to reach your hand very far down your leg, a great option is to use a yoga block set in a tall position for a place to rest your hand.

However, you do not need your hand to go down very low. Placing your hand on the top of your shin will work.

If you are looking for other ways to improve your posture and your back health, try our blog 12 Yoga Poses To Help Alleviate Back Pain.

Revolved Triangle Pose Instructions

  • From a standing position, step your left foot to the back of your mat and lower the inside of your foot so that your back foot is at an angle. Both legs are long and straight.
  • Reach your right arm over your right leg and left arm over your left leg keeping arms long and back tall.
  • Begin reaching your right hand forward while twisting your left arm down toward your right foot. Your right hand should end up reaching up to the sky while left hand rests gently on right shin or, if possible, ankle or floor.
  • Breath as you stretch and lift up through your torso.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.