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Sometimes, getting to the gym and fitting in an hour-long workout can be challenging. Whether it’s your crazy work schedule, your kids, or the commute to the gym is just simply too far; we get it! It’s easy to blow off working out if you don’t have the time, and that’s why we created the 10 Minutes for 10 Days Challenge!


This challenge will show you that 10 minutes a day is not only possible but can also be an effective workout. We selected ten 10-minute workouts with our GHU TV trainers to target your arms, legs, booty, abs, back & cardio fitness! A bonus of this challenge? If you’re unsure which type of workout is right for you, trying these ten workouts will help you figure out which type of workout you genuinely enjoy. HIIT? Yoga? Pilates? Cardio? Bodyweight? For the small price of 10 minutes for ten days, you’ll find out! 

Day 1: Cardio Core Workout

Jodi performing a 10 minute cardio core workout

Kick-off your 10-day challenge with a cardio core workout with Jodi! This butt-kicking cardio routine will have you dripping sweat and feeling great in just 10 minutes. Keeping your core strong not only helps you look great but helps support your back and abs and creates an excellent foundation for total-body strength.

Day 2: Butt & Thigh Workout

Leah performing a 10 minute butt and thigh workout

Join Leah for this 10-minute butt and thigh at-home workout! If you want to tone your butt and thighs (and, let’s be honest, who doesn’t?!), this quick workout will do the trick. Leah will lead you through an exercise that allows you to get a LOT done on that lower body in a short amount of time.

Day 3: Tabata Interval Workout

Chris Freytag performing a 10 minute tabata interval workout

Tune in and get your Tabata on with Chris! This Tabata interval workout is a HIIT-style workout geared to burn fat and get your heart pumping through quick intervals of different moves. This is the perfect at-home total-body workout to get your heart pumping and torch calories.

Day 4: Total Body Stretch

Leah performing a 10 minute total body stretch workout video

On day 4, we stretch! Leah will lead you through a 10-minute stretching routine that will loosen up your muscles, increase your flexibility, and help you feel as great as you look! This routine will help boost your circulation, improve your posture and blood flow, and give you that extra boost of energy when you’re in a slump!



Day 5: Arms & Abs Workout

Jodi performing a 10 minute arms and abs workout video

If you want to tone up your arms and abs (and, again, we all do!), then this 10-minute routine with Jodi is right up your alley. Using light hand weights and core-busting moves, Jodi will help tone up those notorious problem areas and leave you feeling the burn!


Day 6: Pilates-Yoga Fusion

Jodi performing a 10 minute pilates yoga fusion workout video

This pilates-yoga fusion workout with Jodi is the perfect way to jump into the world of both pilates and yoga and see (and FEEL) their benefits! The routine Jodi will lead you through will help strengthen, lengthen, and tone you from head to toe.


Day 7: Kettlebell Workout

Chris Freytag performing a 10 minute kettlebell workout video

Join Chris for this butt-kicking kettlebell routine! This 10-minute at-home workout using a kettlebell will build strength, burn calories, and keep boredom away during quick circuits and fun, muscle-building moves!


Day 8: Vinyasa Flow Sequence

Chris Freytag performing a 10 minute vinyasa flow workout video

On day 8, we flow! Join Chris for this 10-minute yoga session that will calm your mind while waking up your muscles. Fitting yoga into your schedule doesn’t have to take hours or require an expensive studio membership – you can do it at home with us! Explore a snippet of yoga to find out why it’s right for you!


Day 9: No Running Cardio Workout

Lindsey performing a 10 minute no running cardio workout video

If you want to get in a great cardio workout (and you NEED cardio!) but you hate to run, you’re not alone. Join Lindsey for a calorie-burning, heart-pumping, 10-minute cardio workout you can do in your living room!


Day 10: Cardio Circuit Workout

Leah performing a 10 minute cardio circuit workout video

Day 10! You’ve made it to the end, and we’re sure you’re feeling great. On the last day, join Leah for a cardio circuit workout that will leave you out of breath but wanting more. Using only bodyweight moves, this cardio circuit is a great way to finish up a solid week of workouts.

Why Should You Do A 10-Minute Workout?

Plain and simple, 10 minutes is better than 0 minutes. And, if we’re being honest with ourselves, we all have 10 minutes to spare at some point during the day. A 10-minute at-home workout can be done while listening to your favorite podcast, while your dinner cooks in the oven, or while you’re also watching your favorite TV show.

If you’re new to working out, these 10-minute workouts are an excellent place for you to start. Why? Because they’re all a preview of different types of workouts, so you can figure out what kind of workouts you enjoy. From pilates to yoga to HIIT to cardio, we’ve got 10-minute workouts that will kick your butt and help you find out which avenue of fitness you enjoy (though we encourage you to maintain a good amount of variety in your workouts!).

Can 10 minutes of fitness a day make an impact on my health?

Absolutely! We wouldn’t have made this challenge OR these killer free 10-minute at-home workouts if 10 minutes couldn’t make a difference. Not only can you get a butt-kicking workout in 10 minutes, but so much of your fitness journey is about forming (and maintaining) great fitness habits. Working out for just 10 minutes keeps that consistency despite being pressed for time. You won’t feel like you’ve “fallen off the wagon” or need to “get back on the horse.” Instead, you’re keeping yourself right on track.

In addition to the sheer convenience and schedule-friendly nature of a 10-minute at-home workout, there are genuine health benefits to even a brief burst of movement. Countless studies show workouts ranging between 7 and 15 minutes. According to Women’s Health Magazine’s interview with Lauren Stobbie, a certified strength and conditioning specialist in Florida, doing bursts of brief exercise can be just as effective as a longer workout all in one sitting. These “micro workouts” can help boost your metabolism, burn fat, and gain muscle, all leading contributors to overall weight loss.

So what are you waiting for? Download the 10 Minutes for 10 Days Workout Challenge Calendar below! Yes, U Can!

About Chris Freytag, CPT

Chris Freytag is an ACE certified personal trainer, TV personality, author and motivational speaker. She has been sharing the message of healthy living for 30 years while teaching fitness classes, writing books, creating workouts and sharing her knowledge in magazines and online.

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  1. I’m a HUGE advocate for quick workouts! Trying to balance your fitness, your health, your life, your work is so hard to make it happen.

  2. Quick workouts are fantastic, I know you still need a full workout but when the time is restraint a quick workout routine can help you keep moving, no matter where you are.