How To Do Forearm Side Plank

Chris Freytag demonstrates a Forearm Side Plank

Forearm Side Plank is an amazing core body exercise that targets your core muscles, especially your obliques, while building strength in your shoulder and upper back. If you learn how to do Forearm Side Plank you will have a tighter waistline and a stronger mid-section.

Our core is made up of many muscles. Often when doing ab work people spend most of their time focusing on the front of the abs or the rectus abdominus. However, your obliques (the muscles of the waist) are part of what make the entire core strong. The oblique muscles help you twist and rotate as well as pull the muscles in around your middle. It is important to work all sides of your mid-section so these Forearm Side Planks are a great tool to add to your routine.

When you begin this move you can place your bottom knee on the ground if needed. Once you master the modified forearm side plank you can move up to a full forearm side plank. The full forearm side plank add an element of strengthening your shoulder girdle and upper back in addition to your waist. Try to hold it for a few seconds at a time, working your way up to a full minute if possible!

In addition to the Forearm Side Plank, read our article and workout Can You Really Make Your Waist Smaller.

Here are the steps to performing Forearm Side Plank:

1) Being lying on the floor with your forearm on the mat with shoulder stacked over the elbow. Legs are long with feet stacked on top on each other.

2) Lift your body into a side plank position, keeping your lower knee on the floor and your abdominals engaged. Try to to let your hips rise or drop.

Targets: shoulders, core