How To Do Forearm Star Plank

By: Chris Freytag, CPT

Chris Freytag demonstrates a Forearm Star Plank

Forearm Star Plank strengthens your obliques and entire core. Forearm Star Plank not only builds strength in your shoulder and arm, but deep contraction in your oblique muscle and hip. If you learn how to do Forearm Star Plank you will have a great new isometric core strength move.

Most ab work, such as abdominal crunches, is great for the rectus abdominus (the six-pack).  This is an important muscle to strengthen. However, your core is made of so many more muscles that require regular strengthening. Think of this: your core holds your entire body in position for every single activity you do. Carrying groceries? Pull in your core to protect your back. Lifting your kids? Use your core so you don’t hurt your back. Running a marathon? A strong core will give you more endurance for your body overall. Even sitting!  With a strong core you will sit more properly and prevent low back pain. Forearm Star Plank is an isometric hold that builds strength in your shoulder girdle, arm, obliques, deep abdominals and hip. In addition, plank poses work on strength of the mind and will. Isometrics are challenging and provide an opportunity for you to measure, in a very concrete way, how strong you are getting. The first time you hold Star Plank you might be shaking after just a few seconds. Over time, however, you will see first- hand how strong you are becoming as you notice how the amount of time you are able to hold the position without letting go is extended.

Forearm Star Plank also offers you a chance to practice good breathing. Make sure you don’t hold your breath during your isometrics. Once you master Forearm Star Plank, try our 6 Plank Variations for Awesome Abs.

Here are the steps to performing Forearm Star Plank:

1) Being lying on right side, forearm on the floor, body lifted, and legs extended long on the mat with feet stacked.

2) Tighten abdominals and lift left leg and arm up in the air. Hold them straight and keep body still for desired amount of time. Switch sides.

Targets: shoulders, core

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