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Incorporate these balance exercises for seniors into your weekly routine to improve your overall strength and balance while reducing the risk of injury.

Better balance gives you the confidence to be successful with a lot of your daily activities.  If you’ve heard me say it once, you’ve heard me say it 1000 times: you are never too late, and you are never too old to start improving your health.

According to the CDC, injuries from falls are the leading cause of injury-related death for Americans 65 and older.

One of the main risk factors for falling is poor balance. Luckily, we have pulled together exercises you can do to help reduce the risk of taking a fall. At the end of the day, balance is a big part of graceful aging and being independent.

Here are the eight best balance exercises for seniors with my expert workout tips:

Balance Workout for Seniors Instructions:

  1. Try a few of the exercises below and slowly work your way up to all of them.
  2. Aim to complete these exercises 3-5 times per week (consistency is key!).
  3. Use a chair or counter for additional support if needed.
  4. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and eat before doing these exercises.

I always recommend checking with your preferred medical professional before starting a new exercise program, especially if you’ve had previous medical conditions like stroke or heart attack, or you have general concerns with your balance.

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1. Heel-Toe Raises 

The heel-toe raise exercise is a great functional exercise that assists with ankle mobility, strength, and stability.

How to Perform a Heel-Toe-Raise:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Roll back onto your heels (hold onto a chair if needed). 
  • Roll forward onto your toes (hold onto a chair if needed).
  • Keep repeating moving back and forward for 30 seconds. 
Chris Freytag demonstrating heel toe raises using a chair for balance

2. Single Foot Balance

The single foot balance exercise helps improve your balance while strengthening the muscles that support your knees.

How to Perform the Single Foot Balance Exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Raise your right foot off the ground (bend your knee and lift as high as feels ok). 
  3. Hold for 10 seconds (hold onto a chair if needed). 
  4. Repeat on the other leg. Do each side 2-3 times.
Chris Freytag demonstrating how to balance on one foot, with a black chair nearby for balance support.

3. Side Leg Lift Balance 

This side leg lift balance exercise will help build better balance for seniors by strengthening the muscles in your hips, butt, and thighs.

How to Perform the Side Leg Lift Balance Exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lift your right foot off the ground and your leg out to the side.  
  3. Hold for 10 seconds (hold onto a chair if needed).
  4. Repeat on the other leg. Do each side 2-3 times. 

4. Back Leg Extension Balance 

The back leg extension is a great balance exercise for seniors because it works your glutes and hamstrings.

How to Perform the Back Leg Extension Exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Raise your left foot off the ground and lift your left leg behind you.
  3. Hold for 10 seconds (hold onto a chair if needed). 
  4. Repeat on the other leg. Do each side 2-3 times.
Chris Freytag demonstrating how to do a back leg lift balance using a black chair for stability.

5. Balance Beam Stance

This balance beam stance exercise will improve your balance by engaging and strengthening your legs and core while you work.

How to Perform the Back Leg Extension Exercise:

  1. Starting position: stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Step one foot right in front of the other like you are on a balance beam.  
  3. Hold for 10 seconds (hold onto a chair if needed). 
  4. Repeat with the other leg in front. Do each side 2-3 times. 
Chris Freytag demonstrating how to do a balance beam stance, balancing with one leg in front of the other.

6. Rock the Boat Exercise

The rock the boat balance exercise for seniors is a great option for those looking to improve balance and stability.

How to Perform the Rock the Boat Exercise:

  1. Starting position: stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lift your right foot off the ground and your leg out to the side.
  3. Step back to center and then lift your left foot off the ground and your leg out to the side. (hold onto a chair if needed). 
  4. Move side to side for 30 seconds. 
Chris Freytag demonstrating the rock the boat, transferring weight from one foot to the other for balance.

7. Chair Squats 

Performing chair squats regularly will help strengthen your glutes and quadriceps while improving stability and balance.

How to Perform Chair Squats:

  1. Starting position: stand with your feet hip-width apart seated on the edge of your chair. 
  2. Keep your abs tight, stand up, and squeeze your glutes.
  3. Sit back down into the chair with control 
  4. Repeat for 30 seconds.
Chris Freytag demonstrating the two positions of a chair squat using a black chair.

8. Air Squats 

The air squat exercise will strengthen your glutes, work your thigh muscles (like hamstrings and quadriceps), and even work your core muscles too.

How to Perform Air Squats:

  1. Starting position: stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Keeping your abs tight, sit back into an imaginary chair holding your balance.  
  3. Stand back up squeezing your glutes. 
  4. Repeat for 30 seconds.
Chris Freytag standing and doing an air squat with a chair next to her for stability.

Why Seniors Lose Balance

Seniors naturally lose balance as part of the aging process, because balance is hindered by factors such as joint degeneration and muscle loss.  Weaker core muscles and even changes in eyesight can cause seniors to lose balance more often.

Balance is one of those things where you might not realize the importance of it until you start to lose it. And for most of us, this loss comes with old age.

For some seniors, poor balance and falling can stem from medical issues that they have no control over. According to the American Council on Exercise, one in five older adults has issues with balance.

But for a good majority of these folks, it is simply a matter of losing their strength and the natural ability to move the way they did when they were younger because they simply don’t do it anymore. And it only takes one fall to take a senior off their feet for weeks or months or possibly remove their independence completely.

And in case you don’t think you need to take it all that seriously, consider that falls are the leading cause of death from injury among people 65 and older. According to the National Council on Aging falling is NOT an inevitable result of aging. That’s right – you can do your part now to help prevent falling later with exercises to improve balance.

The good news is that there are countless ways to improve your balance. Some things are super simple that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

The Benefits of Balance Exercises for Seniors

Think of it this way: just like you shouldn’t wait until you are 65 to start thinking about saving money for retirement, you also shouldn’t wait until you are older to prepare your body for the strength and balance you will need to stay independent and strong for as long as possible! 

Exercises to improve balance are super important to keep your balance as you age. Let’s look at some additional benefits:

  • Increased reaction time which is good for fall prevention. This is important because one of the easiest ways to stop yourself mid-fall is by quickly shifting your weight or gripping onto an object nearby. 
  • Improved mobility.
  • Better body awareness means awareness of your body in space. 
  • More independence and self-sufficiency. You’ll have more confidence and a reduced risk of injury. 
  • Improved coordination.
  • Stronger bones and muscles.  It is well-documented that exercise helps to build muscle and strengthen bones. Strong bones are more resistant to fractures and reduce the risk for osteoporosis.
  • Better vision. Regular exercise can help maintain better eye health and will improve your ability to avoid obstacles that could cause you to fall.

How Seniors Can Assess Their Balance

It’s important to understand your level of balance before you get started with any type of stretching, balance, or exercise routine.

  • Determine which leg is your dominant side. Be aware of it as you practice balance. It is normal to have one side be stronger and it’s good to recognize and work on that non-dominant side. 
  • Assess your posture. Often posture can play a major role in overall balance and stability.
  • Assess your core muscles.  They play a huge part in your ability to balance.  Learning to engage the core muscles and working on strengthening them will be key to your success.  
  • Gaze at a fixed point on the wall. Finding a focal point when performing exercises can make it easier to balance. 
  • Keep your knees slightly bent. This will lower your center of gravity and will prevent your knees from buckling and make you more stable overall.
  • Spread your weight evenly across both feet. Wider base, better balance. 

Other Ways Seniors Can Improve Balance

As you work in the above balance exercises for seniors, you can also practice these strategies to improve balance.

  • Stand on one foot from time to time during the day. (hold onto a counter or something if needed.) 
  • Sit on an exercise ball at your desk instead of a chair
  • Squat one inch over a chair and hold for a few seconds before sitting down. 
  • Walk with a book on your head. (Old school but effective!)
  • Take yoga classes!
  • Stand still with your eyes closed. Pick up a foot, count to 10 then switch. (This is advanced.) 
  • Try the Bosu balance ball and/or stability ball to take it up a notch!


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  1. Great exercises to help people with balancing issues. Thank you for providing this content. These are exercises that I use with my clients to help them work on improving balance.

    1. Amazing – balance is use it or loose it, so we want to make sure we continue to train our balance! This also includes incorporating our core muscles in a different way!

  2. Good exercises, but why not show a senior performing them instead of an obviously fit younger woman ?

    1. Well – I’m the younger woman – I am 58 years old and I am the certified trainer and author so I just thought is would be best and easiest for me to demonstrate and make sure to be using good form 🙂

  3. I am 77 years old. I exercised and walk. Lately I feel that I am very nervous to loose my balance. I see stairs without a handle bar and panic. I know that I can do oh, but I am still panicking.

    1. I hope these exercises can help you build up your balance and gain some more confidence! It’s great you are checking this out!

  4. Chris, these are excellent, thank you! We run through a series of these exercises that are incorporated into our Silver Sneakers class, every time, and they are very helpful. Personally I need to work on practicing these at home though because my back is curved and that affects my balance, so it’s a real challenge. I am 75 and I think every one of us in that class has balanced issues. So thank you so much!
    PS. You are 58? Lookin’ good, girl!

    1. Oh thank you !! So great that you are doing silver sneakers – great way to stay regular with exercises like this!!

  5. Great tips! I’ve been looking for ways to improve my balance, and these exercises seem manageable even for beginners. I also appreciate the video demonstration; it makes it much easier to follow along. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thank you for this informative post! I really appreciate the focus on balance exercises for seniors. The video demonstration was super helpful. I’m looking forward to incorporating some of these exercises into my routine!