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Push-ups are one of the most important exercises you can do, but they’re difficult for many people. This is why we are discussing how to get better at push-ups in this article.
So, how many push-ups can you do? Is your answer zero? That’s okay! You have to know your starting point so you can brag about how many you can do a month from now.
You can do more push-ups than you think, and I’m here to help you. You can get stronger. It just takes practice and a plan.
I know some of you think the idea of being able to do 50 push-ups seems as likely as spotting a UFO, but it’s not as hard as you think.
If you are new to push-ups, I will give you a quick progression to build up your strength. If you are already proficient in your push-up regimen check out my push-up variations to amp up your game.

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How To Do More Push-Ups
The key to being able to do more push-ups is starting slow and continuing to practice. I’ll say it again, the key to getting better at push-ups is practice!
Our 28-Day Push-Up Challenge for Beginners is a great place to start. Each day you will slowly increase your reps and following the calendar will keep you accountable for practicing your push-ups.
Practice Push-Up Modifications
If you’re not ready to start with a standard push-up (that’s okay!), you can start with these push-up modifications. All of these modifications will allow you to begin where you are at and once you master one, then try the next one.
1. Wall Push Ups
- Set your hands on a wall at a width that’s wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Walk backward with your feet away from the wall until your arms are fully extended and you are leaning into the wall.
- Keeping the rest of your body in a straight line, steadily lower yourself towards the wall until your nose almost touches the wall, and push back up to the starting position.
Add a few repetitions each day for a week or two. Once you are up to 50 in a row with good form, move to the elevated push-up.
2. Incline Push Ups
- Place your hands onto a sturdy table, chair or bench. If you start out with something as tall as a kitchen table, keep decreasing the incline every few days moving down to a chair or a step.
- Following the regular push-up form (full body plank on an inclined surface) do as many in a row as you can with good form.
Practice for a week or two adding a few reps each time. Once you can do 30-50 of these, progress to the modified push-up.
3. Modified Push-Up
- Begin with hands on the floor, wrists below your shoulders, glutes and abs engaged, knees on floor.
- Do a full range of motion with your chest coming down to the floor and then push back up.
Again, add a few every day and once you are up to doing at least 30-50 in a day, you are ready to attempt the full push-up on your toes!
Ready for the real deal? Make sure to practice proper push-up form.
How To Do A Push-Up
When it comes to push-ups, your form is crucial. Each push-up needs to be a full range of motion.
- Set your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, hands facing forward.
- Set your feet directly behind you at a comfortable position (together or slightly separated). The further apart your feet are, the more stable you will be until you are able to build your balance up enough to put your feet together.
- Straighten your body from the top of your head down through your heels. Your butt should stay in line with your legs and back, never up in the air. Your abs engaged and your shoulders over your wrists. (Basically a full-body plank position.) Keep your neck neutral, don’t drop your head or crank it back.
- Lower your body with your glutes and abs contracted until your chest touches or comes close to the ground. Let your elbows naturally bend slightly back and keep from scrunching your shoulders into your neck. Push yourself back into the starting position. Try to keep your core body steady. Don’t sag through the low back or push your butt way up in the air.
Congratulations, that is a proper push-up!
Do as many as you can until you start to feel your form slip. Only count good form and STOP when your form begins to cave.
Write down how many you did and aim for 1 or 2 more the next time. Keep track of your improvement from day to day and week to week.
Work your way up to 50 in a day. Why? Because it makes you strong and it’s a fun goal to set. You can do 5 sets of 10 with a few seconds of rest in between each set, but good form is a MUST!
READ THIS NEXT: Push-Up Variations You’re Going To Want To Try
Hi Chris,
I am really looking for some sort of schedule with a daily routine and improvement. That helps me the best to focus and try to get further every day/week. Last month I did an abb challenge and that helped me a lot, plus I did push ups in between. Normal ones but also very wide ones and very small ones (triceps). Maybe it is a good idea to make a month overview starting with maybe 10 a day and finish with 100! What I find difficult is improving the push ups in my sets, Can you help me with this?
hi, i’m trying it out for the month of February I actually printed down the calendar so I can keep track day to day . I am not very strong but hopefully will improve. thanks for the motivation
Keep it up!
i have always performed push-ups with my hands farther than shoulder-width so that when I am in the down position my arms are at a 90 degree angle at the elbow. Is there anything wrong with doing them this way. I feel that keeping them at shoulder-width would be more of a chaturanga. Just curious. Thank you! I love your blog, by the way. I am 51 and recently received my personal trainer certification. I’ve found we think alike in so many ways.
As a male member of the human specie, I am an amateur bodybuilder. I have been in this business for over 2 years.
The gym that I am a member of here in Germany, consists of an even amout of men and women.
Often times when I take my 1 minute or 30 second break between sets, I notice women performing the easy machines, and
I have never observed them grabbing a handful of Dumbbells or a Barbell. Ladies, I do not believe in the cardio machines.
I have never used them. If women desire to lose weight, then they have to train like a man. Women will never become bulky
like men unless they maintain a competition goal. Our bodies are too different for women to bulk-up, unless that is their
mission. I attempt to give women a few tips on this subject in my gym. I inform them that in order for their training to accomplish
their goals, it has to hurt a little. A good website for women and men to be aware of:
I also inform them that their selection of meals is more important than actually exercising, because, without strict nutrition,
their intense training will not bear them fruit. Everyone whom trains, need to become aware of the these 3 items: Protein,
Carbohydrates and Fats, which have to be ingested in correct calorie amounts each day. I train 5 times a week, and I am off
on Saturdays and Sundays. For women, I inform that if they desire to reach their goals, then they must train at least 3 times
per week, more if they refer. I absolutely do not use anything to do with Cardio. From what I have ascertained, Cardio accomplished
for more than 15-20 minutes, can ruin one’s knees if perpetuated over lengthy period of time, and supposedly, it tends for humans
to age. It has something to do with radicals which destroy the cells, eventually. Supposedly, Cardio is only good for day of your training,
while training with weights and machines, permits your metabolism to function for at least 2 days. I am not affirmative in Supplements,
but from what I have been reading, there are some supplements that are beneficial, but they are normally expensive. I attempted to use
WHEY powder, but after 3 months, I did not recognize any change in my physical appearance, therefore, I ceased purchasing it. I am a
slow gainer, so patience is the key to my success. I don’t believe that women whom just require to tone their bodies, need to become in-
volved in Supplements, unless their goal is competition. If I had by way, the United States would maintain a mandatory weight program
for all Americans, but the hospitals, the pharmaseutical companies, and the insurance companies, would go out of business. Ha!!
Hi , I resently joined a Muay Thai gym and we really do hard work outs and most of my class mates can do like 50 great pushups and I can’t do 1 I go like less than the half way through and I need a fast solution and in case you replied thank you 😊
Hi there – definitely read the article above and you may want to check out how to modify your push-ups until you get stronger: Unfortunately, it’s not a quick fix but will just take time and practice to be able to do more. Good luck!