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Modified Army Crawl Plank is an amazing core body exercise that targets not only all your core muscles but strengthens and challenges your upper body as well. If you learn how to do Modified Army Crawl Plank you will learn how to stabilize yourself during movement and add strength to your biceps, chest and shoulders.
Stablilization is an often-overlooked term in fitness. It’s not as glamorous as six-pack abs or as sexy as sculpted thighs, but it’s extremely important to the health and strength of your entire body.
By drawing in your low ab muscles – the transversus abdominus – you learn to keep you mid-section stable no matter what the rest of your body is doing. In the army crawl plank this is a key factor in performing the move correctly. Try to keep yourself still while moving down and up.
Pretend there is a glass of water on your back that you don’t want to spill. It’s hard! All the while you are contributing to flatter abs and a stronger back. This move it well worth your time.
While all of this core activity is going on and making you stronger in the middle, your arms are getting a pretty great workout too! Pressing your bodyweight up and down is not easy task for your arms and shoulders.
Most of us find that this is a far greater challenge than a set of dumbbells. Once you master this exercise you can try the army crawl plank on your toes instead of your knees.
Modified Army Crawl Plank Exercise Instructions
- Begin in a modified plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your knees on the floor, and your body in a straight line from your head to your knees.
- Bend your left arm so that it is now in a forearm plank position.
- Then bend your right arm so you are in a full forearm plank position with your knees on the floor.
- Lift your left hand and place it on the mat directly below your shoulder as you push through your palm to lift yourself.
- As you reach the top, place your right palm on the floor under your right shoulder and push back into a modified plank. Repeat, leading with the right arm.
Targets: arms, shoulders, core