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Modified Side Plank Crunch is a core body exercise that strengthens your core muscles, especially your obliques, while strengthening your upper back and shoulder as well. Planks are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do for your core.
If you learn how to do Modified Side Plank Crunch you get all the benefits of a plank along with the extra muscle contraction and strength provided by the movement of the top arm and leg. This “crunch” action is also teaching the rest of your body to stabilize and strengthen all the way around.
They also work your total body, especially this plank variation: the side plank crunch. This is a great move that challenges your balance and requires core stabilization.
Start by practicing the Modified Forearm Side Plank. Once you are able to hold this pose for 30 seconds or so, you will know you are ready to move on to the Modified Side Plank Crunch and add the movement of the arm and leg.
You will notice that even though you feel the waistline on the top that is pulling the elbow and knee together, you actually feel MORE in the waistline at the bottom that is holding you up and keeping you stable.
You are also going to notice that that you are strengthening the muscles in your hip.
Make sure you breathe as you move and avoid letting your body sag in the middle. You will want to stay in a straight line throughout.
Modified Side Plank Crunch Exercise Instructions
- Begin lying on your right side with your right forearm down beneath right shoulder and right knee bent on the floor with left leg long and straight. Keep your abdominals engaged and try to to not let your hips rise or drop.
- Pull left elbow and knee together on top so they crunch right above your hips. Lengthen left arm and leg back straight to start position. Repeat for desired number of reps and switch sides.
Targets: arms, shoulder, core