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Shoulder Tap Push-Up is a full body strength move that focuses on your arms and chest while also strengthening your core. If you learn how to do Shoulder Tap Push-Up you are achieving both core and upper body strength along with balance training.
There are a variety of body-weight exercises to choose from and focusing your workouts on bodyweight moves gives you an opportunity to practice functional fitness and the ability to workout any time and anywhere.
This bodyweight move is great because it is low impact but incorporates the unique element of balance training. The key to this is to pull your belly in extra tight as your hand taps the opposite shoulder.
Shoulder Tap Push-Ups takes a traditional push-up to the next level. Make sure you master the push-up before adding the shoulder tap. Once you have the ability to do at least 10 full push-ups, you should be able to start incorporating some shoulder taps into the mix.
Be sure to rely on the strength of your core for most of the move. This will be the ticket to keeping your back long and your body from sagging.
Shoulder Tap Push-Up Exercise Instructions
- Begin in a plank position with hands direction under shoulders and feet hip-width apart. Keeping abdominals and legs tight as you slowly lower your chest toward the ground with elbows bending and pointing behind you.
- Exhale as you push back up to lengthen arms into plank then lift you right hand to tap your left shoulder at the top. Repeat with the other arm tapping.
Targets: chest, arms, shoulders, back, core