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Weight loss for women over 30 can be a huge challenge. Why? Because at this age you have to learn how to increase your metabolism in order to maintain your body. A healthy metabolism probably came naturally to you in your 20s and teens.

Women in their 30s often go through major life transitions that can challenge an active metabolism. Maybe you got married, had children or settled into a serious career. These changes make weight loss harder. But that doesn’t mean that weight loss in your 30s is impossible. You just have to get savvy and get organized.

How to Increase Metabolism in Your 30s

Smart habits for a healthy metabolism are more important now than ever. The habits you learn in your 30s will be the habits that carry you into your 40s, 50s and beyond. Wouldn’t it be great to waltz through life with a body that makes you proud?

So how do you increase metabolism for a lean, fit physique? You keep your body as active as possible to burn more calories all day. Zap the habits that drain your body and cause inactivity. Then you fuel up with foods that promote energy and vigor.

See how many of these metabolism-boosting tricks you can incorporate into your routine at home, at work and on the go.

1. Drink More Water

Woman drinking water from glass
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When you’re dehydrated, your energy levels plummet. You may also respond to thirst cues by eating. So start sipping! Pre-fill at least three 24-ounce bottles and keep them in your fridge. Then set a goal to drink all of them during the day.

2. Practice Good Posture

Believe it or not, the way you stand and sit can have a big impact on your energy level and your confidence. Do a few posture exercises each morning and then again midway through the day. A quick 5-minute routine can give you an invigorating power boost.

3. Be Cautious With Caffeine

A jolt of caffeine can provide a quick burst of energy. But if you drink too much of it you can end up dehydrated and tired. And if you consume caffeine at night it can interfere with your sleep. So try to limit your caffeine intake to 1-2 drinks per day. And avoid chocolate, coffee and other caffeinated treats in the evening before bed.

Related: The Secret To A Revved Up Metabolism

4. Stop Overeating Breakfast

Remember the days when we believed that eating breakfast boosts your metabolism? Well those days are over. Experts now know that your morning meal has no magical power to change the number of calories you burn throughout the day. So don’t eat a big meal that leaves you feeling lazy and sluggish. Eat a portion-controlled breakfast with muscle boosting protein, healthy carbs and filling fiber, instead.

Related: 21 Top Foods That Increase Metabolism And Burn Fat

5. Check Your Daily Step Count

Use an activity monitor to check the number of steps you take every day. Each step you take burns calories. So check your number regularly and make a plan to move more often. Start with a goal to take 7,000 steps per day, then increase to 10,000 or more.

6. Get Data Savvy

Your fitness tracker’s online dashboard provides important data that can help you increase metabolism. The hourly movement tracker is especially helpful. See how much you move at different times throughout the day and pinpoint the typical moments when you tend to be less active. Then mix up your routine to move more at those times. For example, late afternoon is a time when we often get lazy. So schedule a walk with a friend or a fitness class in that time slot to turn the energy slump into a metabolism gain.

7. Increase Metabolism At Work

Make simple changes to burn calories at the office. Move the trash can so you have to get out of your chair to reach it. Take meetings with co-workers on the road and walk the halls or even climb stairs while you chat. You can even connect with coworkers to coordinate lunch time walks for a midday metabolism boost.

8. Start Your Morning With A Stretch


Make yourself a priority in the morning. Take just 10-15 minutes to stretch and move after you get out of bed. This special solo time will set you up for a more positive outlook throughout the day. When your body and mind feel better, it becomes easy to navigate energy-sucking challenges that arise throughout the day.

9. Mix Up Your Routine

Exercise is absolutely essential for a healthy metabolism. But you don’t have to do hard workouts every day to burn mega calories. In fact, over exercising can harm your metabolism. You’re not likely to stay active if you’re burned out or injured. So include a few hard workouts in your weekly activity plan, but add moderate workouts and easy recovery days as well.

10. Build Muscle

Probably the most important step you can take to boost weight loss over 30 is to build muscle. More muscle not only helps to increase metabolism but it also gives your body a tighter, leaner look. Schedule at least 2-3 strength training workouts each week to get stronger and more fit.

11. Plan Mini Workouts

Too busy for a trip to the gym? Then plan ahead so that you are prepared to do a mini workout wherever you are. Subscribe to an online workout service for the days when you’re stuck at home. And pack a “fitness-emergency” workout bag to put in the trunk of your car. Include walking shoes and a few fitness essentials for a quick workout at a local park when you’re on the go.

And most importantly…

13. Ask For Help

Many women in their 30s feel obligated to dedicate most—or all—of their time to their family and careers. But this is also a time when you learn habits that set you up for a life of wellness. So don’t be afraid to seek out help. Ask your hubby to handle the kids for an hour while you go for a bike ride. See if your family is willing to change those heavy dinners into a fun family hike and healthy picnic. Asking for help can not only help you to learn how to increase your metabolism, but it can also boost your morale as well.

About Chris Freytag, CPT

Chris Freytag is an ACE certified personal trainer, TV personality, author and motivational speaker. She has been sharing the message of healthy living for 30 years while teaching fitness classes, writing books, creating workouts and sharing her knowledge in magazines and online.

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  1. I’m in my early seventies I can’t seem to lose weight. I may lose two or three pounds and put it back on in a few days. But what puzzles me is I’m losing it in inches. I do go to the gym and workout on the machines. i have quit using the treadmill as I’ve developed a bone spur on my right foot. I can’t do low impact aerobics as it hurts my foot. I do some light weight work . So I’m trying to figure out a new routine now.

    1. Hi Elizabeth – losing inches is actually more worthy than pounds. You must be building muscle which helps to take off inches. Regarding cardio – with a bone spur in your heel, you could try stationary biking; it’s low impact and won’t hurt the heel. Or you could try an elliptical workout?

  2. Hi Chris, I’m going to be 67 in November and can’t seem to lose weight. I do jazzercise 3 times a week and try to eat 1200 calories per day. Can you give me some suggestions?