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Yoga is a natural detoxifier, it can help alleviate back pain, and yoga will help you sleep better. But did you also know yoga can land you a strong core and better abs? It’s true!

If you’re engaging your abs, you can strengthen your core through pretty much any yoga pose, but certain yoga poses are particularly good at working the abs, and those are the ones we’ve included in the following 6-minute yoga for abs flow.

Whether you’re a yoga beginner or a regular Vinyasa mama, this quick workout is perfect to squeeze in when you want a stronger core and flatter abs.

Along with the yoga for abs workout, if you want flat abs there are a few lifestyle tips to help you achieve a sculpted stomach even faster.

How To Get Abs

Let’s be honest: if getting a toned stomach were easy, everyone would have one. It’s really not as simple as doing one specific exercise (ahem, crunches) or eating one specific food. So before we get to our 6-minute yoga flow, here are some tips on overall lifestyle changes to make if you want better abs:

Include Cardio Into Your Routine

In addition to keeping your heart healthy, cardio burns mega calories and will help you shed any extra fat covering up those abs. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of cardio per week, and you can break that up however you like.

Here are some different forms of cardio that can count towards your weekly 150 minutes:

Strength Train For Abs

Aside from heart-pumping cardio to burn fat, you also need to build muscle to rev your metabolism. The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you can burn at rest. (Score!)

You can use weights or your own bodyweight, but try to do two strength training workouts per week.

Eat Clean For Toned Abs

Plain and simple, you can’t work off a bad diet. Eliminating processed foods, added sugars, and calorie-laden beverages like soda should be your first step.

Next, replace pre-packaged foods and high-calorie dishes with healthy grains like quinoa, lean protein like salmon or chicken, and plenty of vegetables.

Add in fruit, healthy fats like avocado, and you’ll be on the path to a cleaner diet and slimmer waist.

6-Minute Yoga For Abs Flow

Now that you know to get your heart pumping with cardio, strength train weekly, and eat clean, we can get to the final step: our 6-Minute Yoga Flow For Better Abs.

Dust off your yoga mat, get some water ready, and get ready to banish belly fat and reveal tight, strong abs patiently waiting underneath. 

For Best Results, use this yoga flow 2-3 times per week. 

To Get Started:

Use a yoga mat or soft surface to perform each of these moves

Hold each of the poses for 30 seconds.

Go through this yoga for abs sequence twice for a 6-minute ab routine that will having you feeling the burn the next day!

High Plank

Chloe Freytag demonstrating High Plank pose in a blue tank top and yoga pants
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1) Begin on your hands and knees. Pull your abdominals in and step your feet back behind you until your legs are straight.

2) Keep hands directly under shoulders and your eyes at the front of your mat, keeping your neck aligned.

3) Hold your abs and legs tight and make sure your back stays long. Avoid sagging in the low back.

4) If you struggle to hold the position, lower knees to mat while keeping everything else the same.

Hold for 30 seconds.

Related: 6 Plank Variations For Awesome Abs

Boat Pose

Chloe Freytag demonstrating boat pose in a black tank top and yoga pants

1) From a seated position, draw your naval to the spine and brace the abdominals. With your hands on the floor behind you, bring your legs up off the floor with your knees bent in front of your chest.

2) Keeping abdominals tight, slowly lift hands off floor and reach them forward and up while simultaneously lengthening legs upward. Your body will look like a “V” shape. Lengthen spine as you hold. (If your hamstrings are too tight, bend knees slightly.)

3) Keep abdominals tight and breathe.

Hold for 30 seconds.

Warrior 3

Chloe Freytag demonstrating Warrior 3 Pose in a blue tank top and yoga pants

1) Engage your abs and lengthen your spine as you reach your arms toward the front of the room and begin lifting your left leg behind you.

2) Continue reaching your arms forward and your left leg back until your body is parallel to the floor and your eyes are gazing at the front of your mat. Keep those abs tight! Try not to let your back sag.

3) Relax your neck and shoulders and breathe gently in and out.

Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs for another 30 seconds.

Side Plank

Chloe Freytag demonstrating Side Plank Pose in a black tank top and yoga pants

1) Begin in a full plank with hands under your shoulders and your feet and thighs touching.

2) Squeeze abdominals tightly and open the right arm straight into the air, turning your body to the side so the right foot rests on the left foot.

3) Lift your body through your waistline and hold abs tight as you breathe.

Hold 30 seconds and switch sides for another 30 seconds. Then go back to the beginning and start your second round.

About Chris Freytag, CPT

Chris Freytag is an ACE certified personal trainer, TV personality, author and motivational speaker. She has been sharing the message of healthy living for 30 years while teaching fitness classes, writing books, creating workouts and sharing her knowledge in magazines and online.

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    1. Have you done any research yourself? Yoga is beneficial on every level and to any fitness level. The two most important things for you to take to yoga are: 1. find a gentle class with an instructor who will help you modify poses- so communicate your needs asap, and 2. Listen to your body. Don’t try to do what folks who have practiced yoga for years. It’s more important to perfect your form in each posture than to go as far into a pose as the instructor or practiced participants. The most important thing is to get out there and MOVE!

  1. Slowing down and paying close attention to each movement, I’ll either raise the weight and lower the reps.

    1. This is a great idea! We always say, “no shame in the modify game.” And this holds true to any form of exercise. Modify where you need and make it work for YOUR body!