12-Minute Low-Impact HIIT Workout For Bad Knees

By: Chris Freytag, CPT // August 1, 2024

My 12-minute low-impact HIIT workout for bad knees is designed to be gentle on joints while providing an effective cardio and strength workout, perfect for all fitness levels.

So you want to do some high-intensity interval training (HIIT), but your knees are in rough shape? Can you even do HIIT with bad knees? The answer is yes!

You can do low-impact HIIT that won’t aggravate knee pain. High intensity does not have to mean jumping. You can be high-intensity but perform low-impact exercises. 

HIIT workouts encourage you to work hard during the work segment and then take a break to quickly recover during the rest segment.

So, even if you can’t jump or do deep squats and lunges, this low-impact HIIT workout for bad knees will still help you reap the benefits that high-intensity interval training provides, such as:

  • A higher rate of fat burn both during and after the workout
  • Building your cardiovascular endurance
  • Raising your metabolic rate
  • Working smarter, not longer

This workout was designed using moves that are protective of bad knees, some of which include holding dumbbells to give you that extra push of high intensity. And because it is low impact, you could do a workout like this daily. Ready to get started?

Low-Impact HIIT Workout for Bad Knees Instructions

Perform each move as hard as you can for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and repeat. Continue this pattern for all eight exercises, doing them each twice. It will take you a total of 12 minutes.

For an extra challenge, rest for a few minutes and repeat the low-impact HIIT exercises again!


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    1. Front Kicks

    Doing front kicks improves leg strength and flexibility while providing a cardiovascular workout.

    how to do front kicks

    How To Peform Front Kicks:

    1. Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms bent and held in front of you.
    2. Lift right leg up, bending knee slightly, and kick right foot forward. Keep ankle flexed and push through your heel.
    3. Place the right foot down and switch to the left.
    4. Continue to repeat kicking with intensity and speed.

    Go for 30 seconds. Transition to next exercise in 15 seconds.

    2. Push-Up Renegade Row

    Performing push-up renegade rows strengthens your upper body and core, enhancing muscle tone and stability.

    how to do push up renegade row with weights

    How To Perform Push-Up Renegade Rows:

    1. Begin in a full plank with dumbbells in hands, arms extended, and on toes. (The kneeling variation is fine if you are not able to do a full plank). Engage your abdominals by drawing the belly inward towards your spine.
    2. Lower your body in a straight line toward the ground to a low plank without sagging your back, then push back up to plank.
    3. Pull right dumbbell up toward right hip bone, keeping weight close to your side. Slowly return it to the floor. Repeat the push-up and pull the left dumbbell to the left hip bone. Continue the push-up row alternating sides.

    Go for 30 seconds. Transition to next exercise in 15 seconds.

    3. Lateral Shuffle

    The lateral shuffle boosts cardiovascular endurance and agility, targeting the lower body and core.

    how to do lateral shuffle

    How To Perform a Lateral Shuffle:

    1. Start standing with feet hip distance apart, slightly bend knees and sink your weight back into your heels so you don’t feel it in your knees. Bring both hands in front of the chest in guard position.
    2. Start with right foot moving right and left foot following. Shuffle right for four right-left steps, then move left for four left-right steps. Continue shuffling right/left for the desired amount of time.

    Go for 30 seconds. Transition to next exercise in 15 seconds.

    4. Sit-Up Press

    The sit-up press engages your core and upper body muscles, promoting strength and coordination.

    how to do sit up press

    How To Perform a Sit-Up Press:

    1. Start on back with bent knees and feet on the mat. Elbows are bent and dumbbells are resting above the chest.
    2. Bring the head, neck, and shoulders off the mat sitting up, and extend the arms out long pressing the dumbbell forward. Return back to the mat with control.

    Go for 30 seconds. Transition to next exercise in 15 seconds.

    5. Punching

    Doing this punching exercise increases cardiovascular fitness and upper body strength while improving hand-eye coordination.

    how to do punching exercises

    How To Do Punching:

    1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart and bend knees slightly. Tighten the core to keep your center still.
    2. Punch out one arm at a time at a steady, intense pace.

    Go for 30 seconds. Transition to next exercise in 15 seconds.

    6. Squat and Curl with Alternating Knee Lifts 

    The squat and curl with alternating knee lifts tones the legs, arms, and core, while enhancing balance and coordination. If balance is something you struggle with, try these balance exercises that help at any age!

    demonstration of Squat curl with a kick for bad knees

    How To Perform Squat and Curl with Alternating Knee Lifts:

    1. Start in squat position, weight back on heels and arms long next to side holding dumbbells.
    2. Squeeze your glutes to press up and lift right knee as you curl the weights to your shoulders.
    3. Slowly lower the weights back down and return to squat position.  Repeat with left knee.

    Targets: biceps, glutes, quads

    7. Army Crawl

    The army crawl strengthens the core, shoulders, and upper body, improving overall muscular endurance.

    how to do army crawls

    How To Perform An Army Crawl:

    1. Begin in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your feet together, and your body in a straight line.
    2. Bend your left arm so that it is now in forearm plank position.
    3. Then bend your right arm so you are in a full forearm plank position.
    4. Lift your left hand and place it on the mat directly below your shoulder as you push through your palm to lift yourself.
    5. As you reach the top, place your right palm on the floor under your right shoulder and push back into a full plank. Repeat, leading with the right arm.

    Go “forearm forearm hand hand” for 30 seconds, moving at an intense pace. Transition to next exercise in 15 seconds.

    8. Knee Thrust

    Performing knee thrusts activates the core and lower body muscles, boosting cardiovascular fitness and agility.

    knee thrust exercise for bad knees

    How To Perform Knee Thrusts:

    1. Start standing with feet wider than shoulder distance apart and turn both feet in one direction allowing the hips to follow like you’re in a shallow lunge. The front knee is a 90-degree angle and the back heel lifted. Arms are in guard position in front of the chest.
    2. Drive the back knee up to hip height towards the hands, and hands in towards the thigh. Return the foot to floor and repeat.

    Go for 30 seconds.

    If you’re looking for an extra challenge, rest for one minute, and then complete the entire low-impact HIIT workout for bad knees again!

    Infographic showing low impact HIIT for bad knees workout exercises

    More Low-Impact Workouts That Deliver Big Results

    15 Minute Workouts, Fitness, HIIT Workouts, Low-Impact Workouts, Workouts, Workouts by Length

    Printed from GetHealthyU.com


    on Reply

    This is perfect for what I was looking for. I’ve been doing cardio kickboxing and high intensity dance but my knees began to ache and hurt the past month. This is a nice adaptation for what I currently do, with less twisting in the knee. Thank you!

    on Reply

    Give me a break, if one can't do the kind of exercises that hurts one's knees, it's HIGHLY unlikely one can do three different exercises that are essentially full push-ups! Even at my fittest I could barely do more than a couple of regular push-ups. This list needs to be re-thought.

      on Reply

      Hi Leigh, sorry this article didn't meet your expectations. A lot of our audience has found success with this workout, but of course everyone is different. We always encourage modifications and listening to your own body so if this doesn't feel right to you, then of course you can skip or change it. We have lots of other low impact exercises and workouts you can check out if you're still looking for another option. Thanks!

    on Reply

    I am excited to try these...I had my right knee replaced about 8 months ago and these exercises are totally doable. Thank you!

    on Reply

    What about those of us that can't do these exercises? Most folks that I know that have bad knees are older and these exercises are way out of our range.

      on Reply

      You might want to try this one, Lori: https://gethealthyu.com/10-lower-body-exercises-to-combat-knee-pain/

    on Reply

    I am nearly 54 years old with a right knee which is giving me trouble. I am nearly 50 pounds over weight, have asthma and need help.

      on Reply

      Hi Sheryll - I hear you, joints do get old with age. But losing those extra 50 pounds will help reduce issues with your knee. Depending on the degree of your asthma, talk to your doctor about how hard you can exercise but the bottom line is to get started. Check out www.gethealthyutv.com - we have lots of great beginner workout to get you started on your journey to weight loss. Check out the Move to Loose and Walk & Tone programs. For less then $5 a month, we could be workout buddies!

    (This will help us personalize your experience so that you can get the best advice possible from us!)