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Enjoy pregnancy recipes made with 12 power foods that can fuel you and your baby to ensure you are both getting the nutrients you need because when you are creating a human being, your nutrition is key!
Along with prenatal care and vitamins, including these power foods can fuel you and your baby’s body to ensure you are both getting the nutrients you need to flourish. So rest when you can, take care of your body, and stock up on these delicious superfoods!
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It’s a common question: is oatmeal good for pregnancy? And the answer is YES! Oatmeal is full of complex carbohydrates that will give you energy and keep your hunger at bay. The oat bran in oatmeal also lowers cholesterol and has plenty of fiber to help you avoid constipation that can occur during pregnancy.
Try this simple Banana Baked Berry Oatmeal recipe. It has tons of vitamins and antioxidants from the fruit and fiber to keep you fueled and regular. This meal keeps in the fridge, so you will have healthy breakfasts ready to go all week!
Dark Leafy Greens
Simple and delicious leafy greens like spinach, kale, and cabbage are filled with vitamin E, magnesium, and beta–carotene, which encourage skin, bone, eye, and cell growth.
This amazing super food is also found on the Blue Zones foods list, which highlights the diets of some of the longest living people in the world!
Avocados are “nutritional superstars” filled with calcium, potassium, and B6 that encourage brain and tissue development in your baby and also tend to be easy on a queasy tummy. Avocado is high in healthy fats, so just a small amount of creamy Guacamole with whole-grain chips or fresh veggies will give you tons of protein, nutrients, and monounsaturated fats like oleic acid which is great for you and your baby’s heart health!
Beans and Lentils
Rich in folate, iron, and protein! Beans and lentils are fabulous sources of vegetarian protein and are extremely versatile. Also a great source of folic acid which doctors suggest you start taking before you even become pregnant to decrease your baby’s risk of birth defects.
This healthy Southwest Pasta Salad recipe is loaded with everything your baby needs for a power-packed meal, plus it is meatless so if you aren’t, “feeling meat” no worries this yummy recipe gives you tons of protein.
Nuts and Nut Butters
If you have any nut allergies, you can clearly skip this one, but if not, nuts and nut butter are loaded with protein, healthy fats, fiber, and phytochemicals which help reduce to your risk of heart, disease, high blood pressure, and even diseases like cancer. Some recent studies have actually found that mothers eating tree nuts on a regular basis are less likely to have children with nut allergies.
PLUS Homemade Nut Butter is delicious! You can buy nut butter at your local grocery or make your own with this easy recipe.
Bananas have loads of potassium that give you energy and help fight fatigue. Bananas are gentle on your stomach and easy to digest if you’re having nausea.
This Layered Banana Split Smoothie tastes like a creamy milkshake and has everything you need for a healthy breakfast or snack.
Eggs are a quick and easy source of protein. If you are having aversions to meat, a meal or snack with eggs is filled with amino acids your body needs.
This Omelette In A Mug recipe is a healthy way to start your day and sneak in those extra veggies you and your baby need.
Your baby needs calcium for growing bones and doctors to suggest around 1200 mg per day for expecting mothers. Yogurt is a great source of calcium as well as vitamin D. Plus the active cultures and probiotics in yogurt keep your stomach and digestive tract healthy while warding off yeast infections which are much more common during pregnancy.
This creamy Chia Seed Pudding makes a tasty dessert that will satisfy your sweet tooth.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises pregnant and nursing mothers to eat 2-3 servings of low-mercury fish per week. The Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to fetal brain and nervous system development. Omega 3’s are also linked to reducing the risk of postpartum depression in women.
Unfortunately, eating fish high in mercury can cause serious damage to your baby’s brain so be leery of the fish on the NO list.
Try one of our favorite recipes: Teriyaki Salmon Salad (Easy 15-Minute Recipe!)
Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are nature’s candy and brimming with vitamins! Pregnant women need 85 mg of vitamin C daily to help make collagen, bone, and tissue.
Try these delicious and Smoothie Popsicle recipes that are full of real fresh fruit loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and amazing flavor!
Red Meat
Red meat includes beef, pork, and lamb. We suggest leaner cuts of these, and of course, make sure they are thoroughly cooked. Red meat has contained zinc, protein, and iron, thus in moderation, this source of protein can be a great choice for expecting mothers.
Dried Apricots
Portable and packed with nutrition, Dried Apricots have tons of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. These little gems are easy to keep in your bag or the car so if you feel nauseous or need a quick snack between meals you are ready to go!
Chris, any suggestions for pregnancy safe workouts? Thanks!
Hi Mary! Check out these articles:
This is a great list! Eating healthy during pegnancy does not have to be complicated.
I love your flank steak roll idea! Such a great way to get your greens in. Another food I would in include would be homemade fermented veggies like sauerkraut for extra probiotics. Are you into fermented foods?
Hi Lisa – yes, that’s a great suggestion! I drink kombucha almost daily and definitely believe in the benefits of fermented foods!
Amazing list..loved it thanks for sharing great content . i didnt know about most of these.
I love and eat banana and yogurt during pregnancy
Thank for sharing
Great article!
My wife and I just launched an iPhone app ( that helps pregnant couples easily find which foods are safe/unsafe to eat. It was the app we needed during both of her pregnancies!
We hope this helps!
Hi am newly pregnant ,first pregnancy need all nutritious foods to.Keep me and my baby healthy