What is an EMOM Workout? + 5 At-Home EMOM Workouts

By: Chris Freytag, CPT // April 30, 2020

What kind of workout is super time-efficient, adaptable to any goal, suitable for all fitness levels and really easy to follow?

Answer: EMOM workouts!

That’s right! If you’re a fan of fun, fast-moving workouts that keep your attention and shorten your workout time than you definitely need to try EMOM workouts!

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    What Is An EMOM Workout?

    Woman stretching at home with clock in the forefront

    EMOM is an acronym that stands for “every minute on the minute”.

    EMOM workouts have become more popular in recent years as Crossfit training uses this type of methodology. This is a super fun, unique way to change up your workout by giving you a pre-determined number of repetitions to perform in a given amount of time.

    It’s this simple: if you get all of your reps done before time is up, you get to rest. The sooner you finish your reps, the longer you get to rest.

    For example, if the exercise given is 12 push-ups in one minute, then you do your 12 push-ups when the minute begins and when you are finished you get to rest with whatever time is left until the next minute starts. If you finish in 30 seconds, you get 30 seconds to rest. If you finish in 45, you get 15 seconds to rest.

    Of course, it is crucial to stick with proper form and range of motion, but the timing gives you an extra desire to push a little harder so you have more time to rest before the next minute begins

    Benefits of EMOM Workouts

    What do you value most in a workout? Most of us want something that is super effective but doesn’t take all day. If so, the EMOM format is another great tool to throw into your box of goodies!

    Similar to a HIIT workout, the EMOM workout conditions your body to work at a high rate of energy resulting in EPOC, or “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.”

    This means that even after you finish the workout you have pushed so hard that your body continues to burn calories long into the rest of your day. GOALS!

    According to ACE, (American Council on Exercise) “EPOC is influenced by the intensity not the duration of exercise.” Translation? Getting your heart rate up with short, intense intervals like those that occur in an EPOC format will provide more benefits to calorie burning than a long, slow walk.

    In addition, ACE rightly declares “exercise that uses more oxygen burns more calories.” Simply put: the harder you are breathing the more calories you are burning. That is one of the unique benefits of working through the challenges of an EMOM workout.

    Of course, there are tons of other great benefits to the EMOM format. Here are just a few:

    • For All Fitness Levels

    Whether you are a seasoned athlete or someone who casually works out three days a week, EMOM’s can be adapted to a wide variety of fitness levels. EMOM workouts can be created with barbells and other highly specified training equipment to push athletes to their limits, or they can be designed with simple bodyweight moves that anyone, anywhere can undertake.

    Even within the same workout, beginners can move at a different level or be given a different number of reps than those who are more advanced. This is super adaptable and great for everyone!

    The one caveat to throw in is that if you have been completely sedentary, jumping into an EMOM workout is not a good place to start. Due to the pacing of this type of workout, it’s important you have a basic understanding of how to do simple exercises ahead of time and work through those first. So get your body into movement mode, learn how to master a basic squat, lunge, push-up, etc. and THEN you can utilize that knowledge at a base level in this EMOM style.

    • Meets Different Fitness Goals

    Endurance? Yes! Strength? Yes! Cardio? Uh-huh! The beauty of EMOM workouts it that you can tailor the workout to fit your specific goals. If you are looking for strength, your EMOM will use heavier weights and fewer reps. If you are looking for cardio you may do explosive bodyweight moves or use lighter weights with more reps. It’s less about the “what” and more about the “how many and how fast?”

    • Super Time Efficient

    Is an EMOM workout effective? Absolutely, and it’s efficient. Got 10 minutes? EMOM is perfect for you. Rather go for 30? EMOMs are perfect for you too.

    The beauty of the EMOM workout is they can be flexible to the time the participant has. They are super time-efficient, meaning you can work extremely hard in a very short time period of time.

    • Great For Group Settings Or Going Solo

    EMOM workouts are perfect for group training sessions, like Crossfit. Set up stations with the number of reps having participants move around the room, or, have everyone working the same moves but each going at their specific pace.

    On the other hand, if you’re looking for a workout you can do on your own, there are great EMOM workouts to choose from online (including the ones below!). Look for one that fits your style and level and follow along at your own pace. So what is an EMOM workout good for? Solo or in a group, EMOM workouts are for you.

    5 EMOM Workouts To Do At Home

    Woman doing an EMOM workout in living room looking at the phone timer

    Ready to give it a try? Here are 5 simple EMOM workouts you can do right at home. Just grab a set of dumbbells that work for your level and get a timer or clock that you can easily view while working.

    For each workout below the idea is to get warmed up and prepare your body to work. Then start the timer and follow the exercise and number listed for each minute. These are set up in five-minute increments so you can choose how long you decide you want to work and what level. If you are more fit and have the time, you’ll go through each of the 5-minute sets 3 times, 4 times or maybe even 5 times for a killer workout!

    P.S. Want a longer workout but don’t want to repeat the circuit? Stack the below 5-minute EMOM workouts together to create a 10, 15, 20 or 25-minute workout.

    5-Minute Upper Body EMOM Workout

    Time for a beautiful upper body! In this upper body EMOM workout, you are going to strengthen and sculpt your shoulders, arms, back and chest while kicking up your heart rate!

    At the start of each minute, perform the move listed for 12 repetitions. When you are finished, use the remainder of that minute to rest before the next minute begins. Once you get through all 5 you can be done or maybe you decide to repeat it once or twice more for a longer workout.

    Repeat as many times as desired!

    1. Minute 1: 12 Push-Up Ts
    2. Minute 2: 12 Renegade Rows
    3. Minute 3: 12 Tricep Dips & Kick
    4. Minute 4: 12 Arnold Press
    5. Minute 5: 12 Army Crawl Plank

    5-Minute Lower Body EMOM Workout

    Building a beautiful bottom is about to happen! In this lower body EMOM workout, you are going to tighten and tone your legs and booty for a strong, beautiful lower body!

    At the start of each minute perform the move listed for 12 repetitions. When you are finished, use the remainder of that minute to rest before the next minute begins. Once you get through all 5 you can be done or, repeat for a longer workout.

    Repeat as many times as you decide!

    1. Minute 1: 12 Dumbbell Cross Behind Lunges
    2. Minute 2: 12 Split Jumps
    3. Minute 3: 12 Deadlifts
    4. Minute 4: 12 Dumbbell Squats
    5. Minute 5: 12 Squat Jumps

    5-Minute Total Body EMOM Workout

    In this total body EMOM workout, you are going to strengthen and tone your entire body. Using multiple muscle groups, this workout will kick your heart rate up for an added cardio boost!

    At the start of each minute perform the move listed for 12 repetitions. Once you are finished, use the remainder of that minute to rest before the next minute begins. After you get through all 5 you can be done or, repeat for a longer workout.

    Repeat as many times as you can. Every minute counts!

    1. Minute 1: 12 Squat Thrusts
    2. Minute 2: 12 Plank to Upright Row
    3. Minute 3: 12 Side-to-Side Squat Swing
    4. Minute 4: 12 Forward Lunge Bicep Curl
    5. Minute 5: 12 Sit-Up Press

    5-Minute Cardio Conditioning EMOM Workout

    In this cardio EMOM workout, you’ll get simple but powerful cardio exercises designed to kick up your heart rate and burn some calories!

    At the start of each minute perform the move listed for 12 repetitions (make it low impact if needed). When you are finished, use the remainder of the minute to rest before the next minute begins. Once you get through all 5 you can be done or, repeat for a longer workout.

    Repeat as many times as you need for the length of workout you want.

    1. Minute 1: 16 Jumping Jacks
    2. Minute 2: 16 Ski Hops
    3. Minute 3: 16 Skaters
    4. Minute 4: 16 Surfer Squats
    5. Minute 5: 16 Power Skips

    5-Minute Full Body Bodyweight EMOM Workout

    Get ready for some total body conditioning! In this full body bodyweight EMOM workout, you won’t need weights or equipment to work! Bring your own bodyweight along to get strong and burn calories galore!

    At the start of each minute perform the move listed for 12 repetitions. When you are finished, use the remainder of that minute to rest before the next minute begins. Once you get through all 5 you can be done or, repeat for a longer workout.

    Repeat as many times as you can, every minute on the minute.

    1. Minute 1: 12 Plank to Chair Squat
    2. Minute 2: 12 Side Lunges
    3. Minute 3: 12 Push-up Punch
    4. Minute 4: 12 Burpees
    5. Minute 5: 24 Mountain Climbers (12 per knee)

    Now get out there and give EMOM workouts a try!


    READ THIS NEXT: HIIT For Beginners

    5 Minute Workouts, Beginner Guides, Fitness

    Printed from GetHealthyU.com

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